Announcements, Updates, Questions
Q: Can I just look for questions in the exam bank and modify them in Microsoft WORD?
A: Yes. You would select a test item in the exam bank and save that item in WORD format where it can then be formatted and modified using Microsoft WORD
Q: Can I modify test items in the exam bank?
A: Test items may NOT be modified as they exist in the Master Exam Bank. You can modify a test item in several ways, either by selecting it for the exam you’re developing or by saving the test item individually as a WORD document or PDF.
Q: How is the cloud version of Nu-SEC different from the desktop version?
A: In the cloud version, the master database is in the cloud and is accessed from client computers. Updates to the test item bank are made by WTSI and are transparent to the users. In the desktop version, exam updates are sent to users to upload to the facility test item database. This process is simple and only takes seconds to perform.